Updated 9 January, 2024

Mexico | Happenings on the Mountain | Gallery of Light and Shadow | Javier Alarcon

   As you explore this page and the links you may find here, we hope to offer you a place in cyberspace to slow down and begin to explore the earth, out of which we are born, and into which we return. We are not new-agers, cultist, anybody wannabe's or any form of pseudo-religious fanatics. We are not leaders nor followers. We have no answers; only questions and observations on life. On this site, we hope to offer you a window into glimpses we have been privileged to catch, into the wondrous magic of life. The real magic, not hocus-pocus.

   The People of this land were neither savages nor heathens. They had, and have, a complex comprehension into the interrelationships of man and his environment, both physically and spiritually. Everything in their existence had, and has, a spirit which is part of the Great Spirit; the Creator; the one some call God.

   In the society where we now find ourselves, it appears that life is no longer sacred. We have locked the old ones away, contaminated the earth which sustains all life, and the children are going insane. And, once again, if I may paraphrase Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., we are bringing our troops home from bloody battlefields, physically handicapped and psychologically deranged; home from some unknown war and unknown country far away; a country and people many Americans refuse to even look at in reality.

   We are Patsy and Bill McKee. Our interests and backgrounds are many. You should find nothing here, on the Earthdancer web site, which would harm your children in any way. We know many children have access to the web without any supervision. In our community, children are always first, foremost and paramount. We understand the sacred gift of children into the world and the absolute truth to 'suffer not the children,' in any way. The bright future our children hold, given the proper guidance, is truly miraculous, and could be transformational.

Note that all highlighted text (hyper text) on this site provide links to other pages and resources, some on-site and some will take you offsite, way beyond where we have any control.

Many voices, simple truths, difficult realizations, or just Words.
Is that a call I hear, a faint knocking inside?


Open Eye


   As I continue rummaging through more than 40 years of negatives filed in sleeves, notebooks and boxes I am uploading a few of my favorites for your viewing pleasure. All of the images in this gallery were taken by me, Bill Mckee or my wife, Patsy McKee. This page is a quick download as it is a directory only with links to the individual galleries.

Gallery of Light and Shadow


Opening ceremony

   We offer a feature page on one of our annual excursions. We go to see friends, listen to a man who speaks truth and stand in the shadows on a sacred mountain at the "Trade Days Festival". In the photo at left Javier Alarcon, an Aztec, asks permission from the Creator during the opening ceremony on 26 June, 1997.

Trade Days Festival



   This cyberspace we are all now so engrossed in has the potential to be a tremendous asset. The resources available to the masses through a web connection are overwhelming to most, but provide information on any subject at our fingertips. Some of the information is absolutely true, some sites and 'information' contain only lies and misguidance. Should we censor this information? For the children, just like television, the censorship should be in the form of parental guidance and control. And, like television, cyberspace can be a tremendous waste of time, very misleading, and horribly frightening.

In the Meantime...

Any comments or suggestions can be sent to us through our Mail Basket (below):

Mail Basket

Here it is, the truth of how far we have come: Millennium
Disclaimer:The views expressed on this site are those of the creator and in no way reflect those of our employers, our government, our ISP or society at large. Remember that political correctness is not necessarily an attribute. Frightening thing, truth.